Teacher, Eduleaders, Advocates, and Scholars

What is TEAS?
The Teachers, EduLeaders, Advocates, and Scholars (TEAS) speaker series is designed to inform your future teaching practices and offer paid professional development opportunities to our Humboldt students. Facilitated by Cal Poly Humboldt’s School of Education, each session topic digs into a best or promising practice related to TK-12 Teaching.
Who is TEAS for?
The TEAS speaker series is open to anyone interested in the topics. The TEAS Stipend is only offered to current Cal Poly Humboldt Students.
These programs are funded by Cal Poly Humboldt's DHSI: Education project and the College of Professional Studies.
Check Out the TEAS Video and Research Library!
December Sessions
December 6TH: The Role of Art in Schools
- Join ArtSEL coordinator and veteran teacher Bill Funkhouser to learn about the role the arts can play in teaching, learning, thinking, and wellness. For this session, please bring something to draw on (paper or Post-It Notes) and something to draw with (colored pencils, crayons, pens, etc)
December 13TH: Grad schools? Teaching Jobs? Or What Next?
- Join your college and career counselor, J.D Garza- -Valencia, to discuss ALL the options to consider for your next steps toward a career in education. Do you want to get a teaching credential, teaching job, or master's degree next? Lots of options to learn about!
January Sessions
January 17TH: Natural History Museum of Cal Poly Humboldt
- Join Director Julie Van Stickle to learn about the museum and all the ways the museum supports schools and teachers: standards-aligned field trips, teaching boxes for check-out, Discovery Days, and professional development.
January 24TH: Wiyot Language and Culture
- Join the Wiyot tribe's Elizabeth Hernandez to learn about the Wiyot language and culture.
January 31ST: Native American Studies K-12 Curriculum
Join HCOE's Maggie Peters and Rebecca Lowry for the second session, learning about California's new Native American Studies curriculum and its co-learning model.
Contact Dr. Amy K for more information!